Monday 23 March 2020

Tips to keep your mobile phones and laptops coronavirus free

The pandemic coronavirus is on the rise and measures like keeping mobile phones and laptops clean should be a top priority to keep one safe and sound. Read on the article to know how to keep your phone and laptop free from COVID-19 

Apart from keeping your hands clean, daily objects that you use at home or at work like your smartphones and laptops should be kept clean to prevent the spread of deadly coronavirus. No. of cases and death tolls are increasing day by day and the only thing one can do to prevent it and keep everyone safe is by following basic hygiene. Besides washing your hands, social distancing, objects, and gadgets that you use daily should be cleaned regularly to keep the virus away from you. 

Gadgets like laptops and phones are most likely to contain the maximum no. of viruses and bacteria which is why it should be cleaned regularly. Thus, here are few tips that will help you to keep your smartphones and laptops clean and free from virus, 

· A solution of soap and water can be useful to clean your gadget. Use a soft cloth like paper towel or disinfectant wipes to clean it in order to avoid scratches, also don’t forget to use a mild soap. 
· Never use an alcohol-based solution or any kind of chemical as it can damage your devices adversely. 
· Make sure to also keep your phone cases and laptop sleeves clean, use the same mild soap solution to clean it.  
· While you clean your device don’t use a fully wet cloth soaked with soap only dampen it and later on clean it with dry and soft cloth to avoid spilling of water into a keyboard, charging port, etc.
· Make sure to clean it at least once or twice a day and do wash your hands after you are done cleaning your gadgets or use a hand sanitizer. 
· Last but not the least, avoid cleaning your device while charging, it can be dangerous.  

Other than that, make use of earphones or Bluetooth devices while you talk so that you don’t contract the virus from your phone skins or screen. Make use of AI voice assistants as much as possible to avoid getting in touch with the device that might be exposed to infectious virus. Don’t share your devices or touch other’s laptops and smartphones but if you do wash your hands thoroughly with soap or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.  

This is the least you can do to keep your devices clean and safeguard yourself and your loved ones from the harmful Coronavirus. Also make sure that you don’t overexpose your devices, stay home as much as possible to avoid viruses to come in contact with you and your devices. 

If you haven’t started doing it yet then start following these precautions as soon as possible or it can cost you a lot.   

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